Bev Gorman
Registered Nurse, Health/Relationship/Enneagram Coach / Co-active Coach
Bev is a Registered Nurse, and a Riso-Hudson Certified Enneagram Teacher through the Enneagram Institute. She has trained as a Co-Active Life Coach and is also a professional member of the International Enneagram Association. She has been working as an Enneagram coach with individuals one on one and assisting couples/partners in their relational strengths and challenges using the Enneagram as a guide. She currently teaches both Introductory Enneagram courses as well as Going Deeper with the Enneagram workshops . She leads Enneagram workshops for schools, businesses, ministries, non profits and Board of Directors. She also leads Enneagram guided retreats for small groups, churches and businesses.
- Health Issue
Chronic Illness
Relationship Coaching
Enneagram Coaching
Individuals: $90 per session Sliding Scale: Offered
Sliding Scale for Self Pay: Offered
Not paneled with insurance
1010 Dulaney Valley Road
Interested in therapy for yourself or a loved one? Please contact our intake team. Include your name, phone number, insurance, and a brief overview on why you are seeking counseling.